SalsaCity Nights “A Social Dance Night” (not a salsa club night)
No one invites people to provide them bad food or bad service. Likewise, I believe all the salsa venue organizers wish to have great salsa events and make the Social dancers happy, so the dancers keep coming back. Basically this is a sound business model. Happy Dancers bring Great Energy and a successful Dance Night. I understand many operators of Salsa dance venues are business owners. Many salsa night clubs have come and gone, and many more will be here.
I have attended many salsa clubs, salsa events, and salsa parties in the Providence area. Typically salsa music at the night clubs is usually mixed with a lot of non-salsa music. I do understand why night clubs mix in the other kind of music. They need to cater to the other crowd — bar crowd (non dancers). But what the club owners do not realize is that the bar crowd comes into the club because of salsa dancers!!!! Ding Ding Ding…. If the club owner or venue operator fails to make salsa dancers happy, salsa dancers will stop going to that club or venue, and there will be no more businesses for the club owner or the venue organizers.
OK, So Listen up, this is what SalsaCity offers!
High Quality Salsa Music: Many salsa dancers want to dance salsa rather than either Merengue or Bachata. I am not suggesting that we will be playing salsa 90% of the time. Personally SalsaCity prefers a mix of about 80% Salsa and 10% Bachata and 10% Chacha/Merengue. This means our DJ plays 4 -5 salsas, then plays 2-3 Bachatas, then play another 4-5 Salsas and plays a Merengue & Cha Cha. Depending on the crowd, a little more Bachata or Cha Cha is OK, but anything less than 60% of Salsa is an insult to our SalsaCity salsa dancers. This is my opinion as a hard core salsa dancer, but I heard from a rather new salsa dancer a comment that Merengue is just too boring. So why give the salsa dancers “fast food” if one can provide high quality menu? Please kill those Reggaetons, and Top-40 if you want to make salsa dancers happy.

Our Resident SalsaCity DJ is Qualified! He has a Good Understanding of Salsa Music Requirements: My contention is that the most important ingredient of a successful SalsaCity Night is salsa dance music, and therefore letting someone who is ignorant of these facts and plays wrong kind of salsa music will eventually cost the dancers and venue to DIE down..— as there will be many more venues competing for the attention of salsa dancers. Our SalsaCity DJ strives to provide the best kind of salsa music for our SalsaCity Nights.
SalsaCity Features Highly Qualified Dance Instructors, featuring simultaneous beginning & intermediate- salsa & Clubstyle classes in the early part of the evening, taught by the finest local salsa instructors , Sydonee Harris & Martin Rivera
We Provide Plenty of Spacious Dance Floor at SalsaCity for Salsa Dancers & Social Dancers to enjoy all night long.
Providence is a pretty large city, I have seen that word of mouth travels real fast among salsa dancers. The word will be out. We will be playing great salsa music, you will dance to other blends of latin music, the venue is committed to being dancer friendly atmosphere, the lessons will be interactive and fun. Its all about building that community together rather than keeping it separate and divided, So all are welcomed! This is the difference to SalsaCity being a Social Dance Night as opposed to a Club night. See you all on Tuesdays beginning Tuesday June 25th. QUE VIVA LA SALSA…